Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Computer Vision (38): Software Defined Focus

A software solution is always rated over the corresponding hardware one. Some of the reasons being that a software solution is more portable, does not rot or burn and is easily scalable. Macro photographers have a bad time trying to get a perfectly focused image in every one of their shots. In post processing you can only sharpen the entire image a bit but not focus the region you want. Video surveillance systems though would have captured the criminal’s footage might be blur and hence difficult to recognize. What if we could find a solution to correct the focus even after the live video/photo was captured?

I had already written a detailed article on what focus actually means to a camera through simple ray diagrams. Now I will take it beyond and will try to find a solution and define focus through software. I will again use simple ray diagrams to explain my observations and not the complex QED.

To revise the concepts a bit:

1. Light diverges in all possible directions from a point after getting reflected or emitted.
2. When it intersects the camera aperture, only a section of this spherical region enters to reach the camera sensor.
3. A cross section at the face of the lens wrt the point of commencement of light would give us a cone which in turn gets converged by the lens to fall on the sensor.
4. The image this cone creates on the sensor (circle or a point) depends on where along this convergence path it intersects the sensor.

Pr - real point of commencement of light.
Po - some other real point.
L - Lens.
Puu - Unfocused Uncrossed Image of the point Pr with sensor at S1.
Pf - Focused Image of the point Pr with sensor at S2.
Puc - Unfocused Crossed Image of the point Pr with sensor at S3.
S1, S2 and S3 - Different positions of the sensor.

Unfocused image is the one obtained when the sensor is in a position other than S2 for point Pr. Points at different distances from the lens would have different positions of the sensor where they would converge. So, though point Pr would produce a focused image at S2 point Po would register a circle. Focusing a point in one plane wrt the lens would out of focus the points in other planes.

One way to get most or all the points to appear in focus is to increase the depth of focus by decreasing the aperture to as minimum (in size) as possible. This would make the light cone very narrow in width and the digital sensor would not capture it as a circle in spite of not being focused.

Now a days due to the increase in the sensor pixel density even a slight movement in the sensor from the position S2 would give an out of focused image of Pr. Though auto focus systems might be very accurate even a small movement in the camera position would out of focus the desired point in the image especially for macro shots in wide aperture. Once the image is frozen there is no way you can correct the focus except for a slight sharpening. This is because a circle is not uniquely defined by a cone. For example in the figure shown below image of the circle Ic on sensor S can be formed by any of the cones getting focused at F-1 (before the sensor), F1, F2 or F3 (after the sensor). In this format there is no way we can bring the focus back once the image is captured since we do not know the cone whose cross section this is.

Assuming even intensity distribution some people would argue that irrespective of where this point would converge we could simply take the sum of the spread intensity and put it at the location of focus. This can only be true for points on the optical axis and a single lens system. Camera lenses generally contain many groups of lenses and hence would be complex to analyze. If there are any experts who can solve this problem do let me know.

Secondly, in the software solution that I am talking about as one point gets focused others at different planes should change correspondingly which is difficult in the above method. Moreover it is not possible to isolate a circle of a particular point in a natural scene where millions of points would get mixed up at the sensor. So what is the way out?

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